Nico LaHood
LaHood Norton Law Group
Nico's common-sense approach, along with his intense passion and humor, help the listener learn as well as be entertained. He seamlessly reduces complex topics into and easy conversational style.
Jorge Araujo
R-Rated Christianity
Jorge's fact-filled explanation of topics makes even the most difficult subjects accessible in an interesting way and easy to understand. He reduces complex topics, in a conversational style while giving you thought-provoking data and statistics.
The show can be watched on several platforms including Facebook and YouTube. The show is LIVE starting at 8:30pm on Thursday nights. SIDEBAR is heard across the country on the iHeartRadio app and on 120 WOAI Saturday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Former Bexar Co District Attorney Nico LaHood is your host for Sidebar, a new show with a unique take on life and the law today.